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At the SCOH Gazette, we're dedicated to providing readers with engaging and informative publications on a wide range of One Health-related topics.

Our publications are the perfect way to stay informed and engaged with the latest academic discourse!


This month we decided to give you an overview on the far-fetching impacts of Welfare in a holistic One Health perspective. You will find articles focusing on:

  • Urbanization

  • Livestock

  • Preventive Medicine

  • Illegal Wildlife Trade



Urbanization results from the increased inclination of people to migrate from rural to urban areas to have greater access to better healthcare and economic facilities. Urbanization significantly influences the environment in a number of ways as it alters ecosystem streams, causing habitat loss and biodiversity decline...

Concrete Jungles and Green Challenges:          The Impact of Urbanization on Our World

Mehroz Latif


As the global population surges toward 9.7 billion by 2050, the challenge of feeding this growing populace while addressing environmental concerns and meeting rising consumer demands for animal welfare becomes increasingly complex. Livestock, contributing significantly to protein consumption and agricultural income, plays a pivotal role...

Livestock Dilemma: Achieving Animal Welfare Amidst Growing Environmental Concerns

Alice Diana


Illegal wildlife trade (IWT) globally involves the illicit commercialization of wild plants and animals, posing threats to animal welfare, public health, and ecological stability. CITES data reveal millions of live animals from diverse species are annually exported, contributing to biodiversity loss, species decline, and extinctions...


Illegal Wildlife Trade as Animal Welfare Violence: A Potential of Zoonotic Transmission Behind It

Lanang Nugroho


Unquestionably, diseases that spread from animals to people, known as zoonoses, have caused epidemics in humans. However, we rarely consider the possibility that the way we treat animals may have contributed to these outbreaks or whether better care may have stopped them from starting in the first place...

The Vital Role of Animal Welfare in Preventive Medicine for Humans

Autchamapon Rakkarn

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